Creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)Creating

Creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) is essential for any organization aiming to achieve consistency, efficiency, and compliance in their operations. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of SOPs and how to effectively implement them in your organization. What is a Standard Operating Procedure? A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a document that provides clear-cut…

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Verizon is Out of the Email Business Leaving Many Out of Luck

For several months now, users of Verizon’s email platform have been receiving emails indicating that the communications giant is no longer going to support its 4.5 million email addresses. Verizon stopped issuing new email addresses in 2015 and has been indicating for years that hosted email was never really its first love. Users…

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Anatomy of a WordPress Website

WordPress websites are everywhere. WordPress is the #1 Content Management System (CMS) used worldwide by developers and independent users alike. So, what makes this platform so beloved by developers, users and even search engines? The answer is in its DNA.

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SVG for the Future of High Resolution Displays

Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) has been around for 15 years now, but the advantages of using SVG images are growing more clear as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript are being touted to develop the next generation of progressive web apps. SVG is a scalable image that can be created and edited with any text editor and printed…

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Better Security With Windows 10

Windows 10 has introduced three levels of security to protect your PC from harmful programs and emerging security threats. These categories include Identity and Access Control, Information Protection and Malware Resistance. Identity and Access Control Organizations frequently use passwords or smartcards which can be lost or compromised. Windows Hello and Microsoft Passport were created to…

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Micro Moments

I have been reading up on micro moments, those key moment “somethings” that happen while using the phone or computer for more than just killing time. There is a proven growth in sales and consumer acquisition due to capitalizing on these moments and many leading businesses are taking note. Google has coined these precise reasons…

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Could Your Small Business Use its Own Mobile App?

Walk into any small business and you will likely be able to identify an example of industry evolution that has come to the mainstream in only the last decade. In the late 80s and early 90s we began to see computers in the back offices of every business for purposes of bookkeeping and the like.…

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