Another Day, Another Google Scammer

We get messages from clients all of the time telling us that Google is calling them in order to tell them this and that about their website or their Google+ page. Is this possible? It has been known to happen regarding a Google+ page and Google has even rolled out small sample telephone sales programs…

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Who Owns Your Website?

It is hard to believe, but as recently as ten years ago, most small businesses did not have a website online. Between 2000 and 2010, thousands of new small business websites were being launched online each and every week. Business owners contracted with everyone from local web design firms to yellow page style directories to…

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Using Tortoise SVN

When collaborating with other programmers often files can get lost or written over.  This problem is resolved when using Tortoise SVN. Using Tortoise SVN is important to us because it allows collaboration and file history, similar to Git Hub. You won’t need to identify different versions of the code because Tortoise SVN will do that for you automatically.…

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5 Steps In Understanding Web Technology Relationships

1. What is a domain name server and what does it do? Domain Name Server is like a record book that stores your web address with a series of numbers that tell computers where to find your website. The DNS makes it easy for people to search a website by using words. It points our…

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E-learning With Tin Can API, Captivate 8, and LearnDash

E-learning has taken giant leaps over the past year, and Adobe Captivate 8 has stepped up with their integration of Tin Can Api, a data tracking system that collects results from events taking place on and offline. Captivate 8 also has a brand new interface that takes a short time to learn. Over the past 14 years…

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