When collaborating with other programmers often files can get lost or written over. This problem is resolved when using Tortoise SVN.
Using Tortoise SVN is important to us because it allows collaboration and file history, similar to Git Hub. You won’t need to identify different versions of the code because Tortoise SVN will do that for you automatically.
Setting Up Tortoise SVN
To start download and install Tortoise SVN at http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html (where you can read a more detailed documentation of how it works.)
- We provide the subversion details to our programmers through cloudforge.
- On your local machine – right click an empty folder and go to TortoiseSVN>Import
- Click the 3 dots next to the URL of Repository and make sure you have /trunk at the end of the SVN path (we use the trunk for development). There is so much more that Tortoise SVN can do with branches and tags.
- Click OK and the files will be downloaded into your folder.
*Important (no new folder structures should be needed – such as dated folders or different versions)
Development – Before you begin working on coding
- Right click the folder and run SVN Update
- All files that others have worked on and committed will be updated on your local machine.
- When you are finished coding Right click on your folder or file and run SVN Commit
- Your updated file will be added to SVN and others can update their folder structure.
If two people are working on the same file Subversion allows you to merge the two files together as one and no code will be lost.
FTP Testing Server
We ftp files to our testing server to view and test them.
Once everything works on the ftp server then the file can be committed (Right click file and SVNCommit)
This sends the file to subversion and records the changes in history as a new version.
Have fun collaborating with code!