Hardware Order Workflow

Hardware Order: A customer requested new hardware (laptop, monitor, server, printer etc.)


  • Create a Ticket (Add Company if does not already exist in the system) - by whoever is taking the order from the client
  • Check if the Product (that needs to be ordered, or we have in the inventory) is in Autotask, if not ask Nicole to add it- by the same person that creates the ticket. 
  • Add product as a Charge to the ticket - by the same person that is creating the ticket
    Approve product (Geoff or Nicole)
    Create PO for the product(s) (Nicole) send the PO number generated to Geoff and update the ticket 
  • Bill the client (Nicole)
  • The order is being placed (by Geoff)
    Update the ticket with the PO number (by Nicole)
  • Update the ticket when the order is being Received and add Serial Number (by Nicole)
    Update info for Shipping & Delivery of the product (by Nicole)
    Update the Ticket (update the charge’s status) and complete the Check List (by Trystan) 
  • Mark the ticket as Complete and let Nicole know that the hardware is ready to be delivered (by Trystan)
    Bill the client for shipping if necessary (by Nicole)
  • Create an On-site Service Ticket if the hardware needs to be delivered and installed (by Trystan)
  • Hardware, Workorder, Workflow, Order
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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