Change Splash Logo for Intel Nuc

Changing the Splash Logo on Intel Nuc’s

-=Logo File Requirements=-

The iCHLogo application supports the following image formats:

Format Description

.BMP Supports 16 color, 256 color and 24bit Color BMPs

.JPEG Restart intervals supported

The X-density/Y-density should be 1:1

It doesn't support "Progressive encoding"

It only supports YUV112 (color component sampling 1:1:2)

.PNG 8-bit grayscale, indexed color, and RGB color

16-bit RGB color

Using the first link, download and

The second two links are user guides for adding the logo to the splash image and then flashing the changes to the bios

Take the zipped files and unzip them onto a hard drive. Keep a folder for ichlogo and iflash separately.

Open a command prompt in admin mode by going to the windows menu and searching command prompt. Click run as administrator in the menu or right click command prompt and click run as administrator.

Open the folder containing the ichlogo files if you are using windows use the windows folder and into 64x, if using linux, use the linux folder. Copy the folder address as text by right clicking it and selecting copy as text

In command prompt, type in your thumbdrive drive letter (D: it may change depending on the situation)


Type cd and then paste your folder address path that you took from the address bar in the folder explorer.

Example: Cd D:\iCHLogo\iCHLogo-Windows-5.15.0045\x64

Now the command prompt is working from that specific folder and can use ichlogo commands.

Command Line Switches

Switch Description

/i Indicates the input BIOS Capsule filename. Example: /i FN0039.cap

/o Indicates the output BIOS Capsule filename. Example: /o FN0039Custom.cap

/f Program will write over any existing logo file (force)

/e Extracts an image from a BIOS Capsule file

/r Replaces an existing logo

/d Deletes an existing logo image

/t Tests a replacement logo file to see if it will fit available space

/l Lists information about the current splash logo

Test for fit

Windows 64-bit iCHLogoWin64.exe /i <BIOS Capsule file> /t <Logo File>

Windows 32-bit iCHLogoWin32.exe /i <BIOS Capsule file> /t <logo file>

Linux 64-bit iCHLogoLnx64 /i <BIOS Capsule file> /t <logo file>

Logo Extraction

Windows 64-bit iCHLogoWin64.exe /I <BIOS Capsule file> /e <Logo File> [/f]

Windows 32-bit iCHLogoWin32.exe /i <BIOS Capsule file> /e <logo file> [/f]

Linux 64-bit iCHLogoLnx64 /i <BIOS Capsule file> /e <logo file> [/f]

Logo Replacement

Windows 64-bit iCHLogoWin64.exe /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /r <logo file> [/f]

Windows 32-bit iCHLogoWin32.exe /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /r <logo file> [/f]

Linux 64-bit iCHLogoLnx64 /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /r <logo file> [/f

Logo Deletion

Windows 64-bit iCHLogoWin64.exe /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /d [/f] Windows 32-bit iCHLogoWin32.exe /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /d [/f]

Linux 64-bit iCHLogoLnx64 /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /d [/f]

Logo Addition

Windows 64-bit iCHLogoWin64.exe /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /a <logo file> [/f] Windows 32-bit iCHLogoWin32.exe /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /a <logo file> [/f]

Linux 64-bit iCHLogoLnx64 /i <Input BIOS Capsule file> /o <output BIOS Capsule file> /a <logo file> [/f

Test for fit the Image that you wish to use and test if it fits

If it fits, delete the splash image that exists already by running the logo deletion command

Run the logo addition command to apply the logo into the .cap file

Take the new .cap file with the custom splash image and navigate to the iFlash folder and change the directory path to the new folder address

Example: Cd D:\iFlashV\iFlashV-Windows-

Now that the command prompt is pulling from the iflash folder, it will use the iflashvwin commands

POST Splash Screen Logo Update

The following command updates the logo image from the input BIOS capsule file.

OS / Environment Command syntax

Windows 64-bit iFlashVWin64 <BIOS capsule file> </k1> [/jbc]

Windows 32-bit iFlashVWin32 <BIOS capsule file> </k1> [/jbc]

EFIx64 shell iFlashVEfi64 <BIOS capsule file> </k1> [/jbc]

EFI shell iFlashVEfi64 <BIOS capsule file> </k1> [/jbc]

Linux 32-bit iFlashVLnx32 <BIOS capsule file> </k1> [/jbc]

Linux 64-bit iFlashVLnx64 <BIOS capsule file> </k1> [/jbc]

You must use the iCHLogo application to generate a new BIOS capsule file with your own custom

logo image before using iFlashV to install the new logo.

Once you run the corresponding command to your system, it will open another prompt and scan the .cap file and update the bios.

Restart the device to see if it worked properly.



  • NUC, Logo, Splash
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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